Universal Scientific Calculator 3

Publisher Description

A Super Calculator, many maths functions, charts, 20 educational and ludic games. Math Functions: sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, x2, 1/x, root, %, log, exp, pi, hyperbolic x^y, secant, asec, cotang. Factorization. Financal: expiries, capital, rate, currencies... Stats: Memorize points, average and regression, factorial, Anm, Cnm Dates: day of a date. Complexes: operations on complex numbers (add, powers, products...). Memorize all steps, and possibility to go back. Curves: Chart between two X for functions y=f(x). Calculations in radians and degrees. Conversions of units (weight, distances, powers, temperatures, etc...). Amounts in letters... Planets ephemerids, Jupiter Satellites, Triangle Geometry (Euler and Simson lines, ...) Games on Gravitation. Fourier Series... Pi decimals (10000), Chaotic Pendule simulation, Solar System Simulation, other games (invaders, blocs, balls, billard, ...). Calendars conversions, Periodic Table of Elements and Molar Mass Calculation, Statistics, Taylor expansion, Bernoulli, Gamma, Euler functions, Prime numbers...

About Universal Scientific Calculator

Universal Scientific Calculator is a free trial software published in the Other list of programs, part of Education.

This program is available in English. It was last updated on 22 April, 2024. Universal Scientific Calculator is compatible with the following operating systems: Windows.

The company that develops Universal Scientific Calculator is swing. The latest version released by its developer is 3. This version was rated by 1 users of our site and has an average rating of 5.0.

The download we have available for Universal Scientific Calculator has a file size of 6.70 MB. Just click the green Download button above to start the downloading process. The program is listed on our website since 2003-04-20 and was downloaded 214 times. We have already checked if the download link is safe, however for your own protection we recommend that you scan the downloaded software with your antivirus. Your antivirus may detect the Universal Scientific Calculator as malware if the download link is broken.

How to install Universal Scientific Calculator on your Windows device:

  • Click on the Download button on our website. This will start the download from the website of the developer.
  • Once the Universal Scientific Calculator is downloaded click on it to start the setup process (assuming you are on a desktop computer).
  • When the installation is finished you should be able to see and run the program.

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Users Rating:  
  5.0/5     1
Downloads: 214
Updated At: 2024-04-22
Publisher: swing
Operating System: Windows
License Type: Free Trial